Laboratory Booking System

All-in-one online reservation solutions
24 hours online booking
University student or staff cards supported
Easily Customisable
Automatic fees and penalty calculation
Fund and accounts accessible to the financial office
Journal posting function
Device controllable with power supply and interlock

Mission & Vision

Developing the best booking system for clients, providing the best IT solutions and advice.

Online Booking Engine

Allow students and staff to make reservations directly through the system with a modern, fully customizable online booking engine.

Admin and Center in charge

The system can have multiple center-in-charge and administrators in different level of rights.

Advanced functionalities

Accounting, statistics, logbook, customizable documents, automated emails, rate plans, services and management and more.

Easy to learn

The system can be used effectively from the first startup. You can also access helpful manuals to faciliate your work.

Professional technical support

Our support team is at your disposal via email, Skype, chatroom and phone. We use the TeamViewer application to connect you diretly if need be.

Free Trial

We can offer your free trial to test the system.



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